Positions vs. calling based
There is something within us as a people that, when it comes to positions, it seems to define who we think we are. We usually strive to qualify for one. When we no longer have a position that we had for a long time, our identity is shaken and many stumble. Our identity has been wrapped up in a position. The effort should not be to compete for a position, but to flow from our calling. What do I mean by that? In most typical structures, you will identify positions which provide an array of functions and organizational practices, I am not opposed to positions. But I want to open up something here to consider.
I typically focus on the deployment and growth of one’s calling from a Five-fold perspective. I concentrate on the persons mantle and callings in their life. If you want to have a five-fold influenced church, ministry, organization, and teams, it is essential to use and activate the apostolic, prophetic, pastoral, teacher, and evangelistic anointing. Each five-fold voice adds the flavor sought after.
At our apostolic center, we design people’s obligations and function to correspond with what they carry upon their life. Your gifts, anointing, and mantles lean to a prominent expression affirming what is upon you. If you’re in the wrong “position,” frustration and other difficulties set in. This leads to disruption, misunderstanding and hurt because of the lack of ‘grace’. So, do everything you can to find your grace.
“Finding your grace prepares you for your place”
Many churches and organizations may have the right person, but they are in the wrong “position”. They struggle to have joy in fulfilling the duties of that ministry. Why not raise and release people into new expressions? Possibly adjust ongoing responsibilities according to what mantles are in someone’s life. Generate prototype avenues, inside and outside the church, and watch the anointing increase among you.
Leaders, teach, teach, teach, before you make all kinds of changes that are not familiar. People become protective and territorial with their positions. Making adjustments without proper instruction produces an unsettling that could be disastrous.
You often hear people saying, “The only model we have seen is one of position. So, if I want a ministry, I must work hard and strive to reach a position” (what is assumed is my ultimate position.) This thinking has hampered, limited, and destroyed many a servant of God who wound up stepping away from their kingdom mandate.
Find out more
In the podcast associated with this brief article, we delve deeper into what this looks like. Learn how to make Holy Spirit led adjustments, releasing effective men and women of God.