Hey! What is going on ?

wilderness experience

Identify the events unfolding in your life while in a ‘wilderness’ experience.

The wilderness experience in a leader’s life can easily be misinterpreted, derailing us from our direction, purpose, and mandate.

The wilderness season is a revealer of where I have set my confidence. Periodically it reveals that my trust is lacking. Leaders, it is urgent that we figure out and recognize the indicators of the landscape of our being. This will permit us to emerge from this stage with a heightened capacity and perspective.

  1. New Voice.

    You are about to receive new vision, a fresh approach and specific directions to accomplish what is rising in your life.

    This is where the Lord communicates to you and sometimes it shakes you. A powerful encounter is taking place. It’s not familiar and His voice may unnerve you as He leads your gaze in a direction you have not noticed before. He speaks differently if you are settled on the backside of the wilderness, in the area of lingering and procrastination. When you come out of this wilderness season your inner voice will say ‘prepare the way of the Lord’. (Psalms 29:8, Exodus 3:1-2, Luke 3:4)

  2. New Place.

    At this point in my life it becomes a meeting place.

    I may think it’s a lonely time and I seem to be in a less cramped environment but what is really taking place is the elimination of distractions. It is amazing how one subconsciously feeds off of distractions. They exhaust me from being hyper-busy, yet never accomplishing enough. As a leader, I need to understand that it has led me to this place. I must take notice of what is going on around me. Many times, when this ‘wilderness’ time happens, it really is a place of Divine delays and Divine appearances. I’m required to look at matters differently and adjust my life and leadership accordingly.

  3. New will.

    A wilderness experience can feel dead.

    Many people become full of despair and even cowardice because they do not understand the purpose of this time and place. One can think it is a place to die; to die spiritually, financially, emotionally, or relationally. Jesus was led into the wilderness to die to self and be forged in The Father’s purpose. When He emerged, everything went to a new level for Him. When I die to selfishness, and being self-led, I will emerge with a new will that is filled with determination and confidence.

  4. New safety.

    Many times, I did not know (until I have hindsight) that the wilderness was a time and place of protection for me.

    A seemingly dry spell will often manifest in my life right before I emerge into another level of development as a leader. It is like the shedding off of an old skin as the new is becoming fresh and stronger. The Lord will turn my wilderness into a standing water and dry ground into springs (Psalm 107:35). Do not jump ahead of His working in your life as He increases your anointing, influence, and impact.

  5. New Way.

    Like King David in Scripture, I can survive in the wilderness place for a time and start to see with fresh eyes.

    When other matters I considered important to me are removed from the forefront of my mind, I am surprised how I begin to recognize an issue or process in a different light. Unusual provision comes to me during my wilderness season and I become finely tuned for success. It’s easy to think that busyness equates growth and production. However, it often can be the opposite. It may easily trap me in monotonous exercises. I can become trapped on the rat-wheel without realizing it, requiring a ‘wilderness’ moment for me to take a good look at what is going on in my life.

    Get ready leader, a new way is coming your way! (1 Samuel. 26:3, Psalms 74:14)

  6. New Life.

    The wilderness is a place of refreshing.

    There are pools to drink from when I open my eyes and actually see. These pools are unique resources, new relationships or improved mindsets, acknowledging what has been around me the whole time. When I appreciate this place, I see a way through it and I’m filled with gladness. A glad heart influences the way I lead. A miserable, unhappy leader produces stagnation and produce low morale in everyone and everything around them.

Are you in a wilderness season? Take the time to understand what God is revealing to you in this place.  Be patient. You will emerge different: stronger and more mature as a result.

Song of Solomon 8: 5  “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?” (NASB95)

Dr. Matt Carpenter, Strategic Advisor, Author, Conference speaker, Leadership developer, Certified Executive Leadership Coach, 5-Fold team Implementor



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