Generally, the impulse is to hold unto things when we must let go. Fresh beginnings stimulate renewed growth.
Leaders can turn stagnant when they have invested nothing into their future growth and development. We can be great at accomplishing what we are currently doing, and never become more than what we are. Do not step into the trap of being a manager… when you are a leader.
The end of one thing is always the ‘seed’ for the next stage of progress, the next event unfolding in your life. Our tendency, our human nature, is to hold on to objects, techniques, positions, mindsets, etc. and seek to keep them alive past their efficiency or purpose. We expend great effort to repair something that does not even belong in our life, team, organization, or church anymore.
The thrust that possibly could propel my life forward into exciting adventures is feeling the pressure on the piece that I’m holding. I must release it into another degree of progress. What takes most of a leader’s attention and focus, must now shift into a secondary priority, supplementing what is evolving. If I Let go of the ‘seed’, and place it where it needs to reach, I will have results.

Sometimes this is as simple as delegating something. Stop micro-managing. The former builds momentum while the latter stifles effective leadership. When you look at the first fruits of growth and increase in your life, it will reveal what is coming. Remember, your life has a voice.
With the wisdom of the Lord, I can carry out choices that will break old patterns of thinking and behavior. Wisdom connects seemingly unassociated events and thoughts to construct a picture, called vision. In the Kingdom of God, you sow in order to secure a harvest. Occasionally, we hold so tight onto what we do that no fresh breath can come into us and energize it. We usually wonder why our potential became stagnant and non-effective.
My priorities will be where my desires rests. My affection needs to be radically directed on the appropriate things, like righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Understanding brings the principles of multiplication into my life because I recognize how something functions. I.e. I understand my gifts, dreams, vision, and calling. I’m able to grow confident and be skillful in my function. If I understand how something functions, then I can use it effectively.
A leader who is sensing a great change coming, must begin to distribute a ‘potent seed’. There is no place for status-quo mindsets. Success is accomplished on an improved level and joy comes with the release of the fire that has been evolving within me.
Proverbs 11:24-25 There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, And there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results in want.25. The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered.

As I obey what the Lord is speaking, it creates room for others to step into it. Some move ahead out of obedience, sometimes because of desperation, and sometimes it’s a grand act of faith. Mark 5:28 For she thought “if I just touch His garments, I will get well.” (The woman with an issue of blood)
Do you crave some transformational experience to be infused into your circle of influence? Then stimulate those Holy Spirit-words and watch it blossom and become mighty. Go ahead, surround yourself with action people, not the talkers. Gather your kingdom shakers and movers and press on into that territory and build something. It will create an atmosphere of life, renewal, and success.
Dr. Matt Carpenter, Strategic Advisor, Author, Conference speaker, Leadership developer, Certified Executive Leadership Coach, 5-Fold Implementor